On-Demand Webinar
Funding for Instruction Aligned with
the Science of Reading Including ESSER III Funds
Presented by: Ruth Ziolkowski
Live session held on March 20, 2024
If you are searching or advocating for a literacy instruction curriculum aligned with the science of reading, hear about opportunities to access federal funds to fund these purchases and related staff training.
This on-demand recording of a previously held live webinar is designed to equip educators, administrators, and advocates with the knowledge and tools needed to secure funding for science of reading curriculum for ALL students, including students with complex learning profiles taking the alternative assessment.
In this session, Ruth Ziolkowski delves into why all students deserve and benefit from a high quality literacy instruction curriculum aligned with the science of reading, as well as effective strategies for advocating for curriculum enhancements that prioritize student success and engagement.
Specifically strategies for budgeting, obligating and using ESSER III funds will be addressed.

This webinar covers:
- Why Science of Reading is important for all students, including those taking the alternate assessment
- Efficient ways to provide professional development to educators related to the science of reading
- How to fund the shift to science of reading for all educators
Commit to Use ESSER III Funding by September 2024
Schools have until September of 2024 to commit to how they will use ESSER III funds including planned purchases for special education curriculum solutions, current events instructional resources, and curriculum training for educators. This webinar outlines strategies for obligating these funds. Our curriculum solutions team can also provide solutions such as multi-year subscriptions to take advantage of this funding. In addition to the information provided in this webinar, our solutions specialists
This webinar is designed for Special Education Administrators and Directors and members of the IEP Team who advocate for research-based curriculum solutions. Live sessions will be recorded and will be available on this page and for those who register within a week of the scheduled live session.
Registrants who attend the live session will receive a certificate of attendance and will be able to participate in a question and answer period as time permits.